The Burstons

The Web Blog for The Burstons

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Tuesday 9th Nov - Rochester

A night out somewhere in the darkness

Have just been out for a very convivial evening with three colleagues from the Redbook team - Luis Guirigay, a ridiculously young and vivacious Venezuelan, Colin, the bonkers English bloke, and David, a giant American with a great sense of humour.

We went to a bar somewhere in the darkness of Rochester with a range of fine ales. These include a couple of English ales that were far too cold to really taste and an Apricot Ale with fine fruity overtones. This went down very well and was very handy to help wash down some particularly fiery "Buffalo Wings" - quite where they came up with this name it beyond me as let's face it, buffaloes are amongst the least likely animals ot have wings.

Now listening to the Sound of the 70's on the Radio 2 web site -what a wonderful invention.

Really ought to get to bed as there's plenty to be doing tomorrow . . .


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